Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday April 11th- Belgium

Today we drove to Brussels, Belgium. It was our first ROCKSTAR parking spot....right outside of the King's Palace.... We were shocked by the amount of graffiti found in Brussels (all over landmarks, on the side of buildings you name it).

We figured the best way to see Brussels was by a bus tour.....we saw all the sites and learned some interesting history. Brussels is the hub of the European Union, it is big in banking and insurance.

One of the things the kids wanted to do in Belgium was eat a waffle, these are more of a dessert rather than a breakfast and they were awesome.

There is a story in Brussels that a little boy came across a fire in the city....while he was yelling for help he tried to extinguish the fire by peeing on it....when others arrived a bucket brigade was started. The town folk credited the little boy for saving the city and erected a statue of the boy. Upon seeing the statue Julie said "that is it...that isn't that big", thus making David happy the rest of the trip.

Finally we all had ABBA in our heads as we headed 12 miles out of town to Waterloo. Waterloo is the place where Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington. There is a huge statue of a lion set on a hill that we climbed all 226 steps to see the battlefield....our legs are still killing us.

We are laying low on Easter before we embark on our 5 day tour of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and France.......Only 2 more days before the Goodwillie's are frolicking and singing the Hills Alive with the Sound of Music and going to the Salt Mines of Austria....yes these are a few of my favorite things.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Julie, glad you guys are enjoying ur trip!
